
5 Bible Studies for Your Teen

The teen years can be extremely challenging for teens themselves and also their parents. Instead of trying to control you teen, pray for them and ask for God’s wisdom and love to nurture them through this difficult time. If your teen is willing, you might also consider encouraging them to participate in a daily Bible study. While it might seem on the outside like yet another thing to do, the purpose is not to add another item on the to do list but to help you teen help seek meaning and enrichment through good times and bad.

Here are five Bible studies you might consider encouraging your teen to use:

100 Days to Brave by Annie F. Downs

From the book description:  Whether you’re making a major decision, dealing with a difficult transition, or facing a fear, 100 Days to Brave will give you courage and confidence to move forward. With honesty and relatable humor, this compilation of best-of writings and new pieces from Annie will give you the inspiration to embrace the path and the plan God has for you and experience personal growth.

Also encouraged: Remember God by Annie F. Downs

We Saved You a Seat by Lisa Jo Baker

From the book description: We Saved You A Seat takes girls deeper into Scripture to learn how to create, invest in, and keep up lifelong friendships. Jesus is the role model for our friendships and Scripture is the foundation. We don’t wait until we’re all put together to come to Jesus. Over the course of seven sessions, girls will learn that true friendship takes.

God Guy by Michael DiMarco

From the book description: In God Guy, Michael DiMarco helps young males realize that being a man is not just related to age, but rather developing the character and principles befitting a man of God.

The Screwtape Letters Study Guide for Teens by Allen Vermilye

From the book description: For over 70 years, teenagers have loved reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis but have struggled to completely understand and share what they read. Today, The Screwtape Letters Study Guide for Teens makes it easy for teens to not only read the book, but to study and share this iconic classic with their friends.

Teen Life Application Bible

This is not a complete Bible, but it walks through the Bible and highlights the ways in which teens can apply Biblical principles to their lives.

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