As a young family just starting out, there are so many decisions to make and new responsibilities placed on your shoulders. Not only are you charged with caring for and nurturing your marriage, but also caring for and raising a baby who will (hopefully) become an adult who is a productive member of society and loves the Lord. But how do you do all of this?
While there are still many difficult decisions ahead, it’s important to remember to prioritize your spiritual growth. While we know that being a Christian doesn’t magically make an “easy button” appear, placing God at the forefront of your mind and heart may help some things fall into place in a way that surprise you. Remember to ask yourself these 6 questions to help facilitate spiritual growth as a family:
If I knew Jesus would be coming back tomorrow, would I be worried about this?
Is there a right or wrong in this situation?
If Jesus were standing right here at this moment, what would he encourage me to do?
What is the purpose of my time on earth and my role in this family?
Does what I’m doing right now really matter?
How are you actions and words impacting the way your children view God’s love?
As you contemplate these questions again and again throughout the many stages of life, ask yourself if you feel that you’re being a reflection of God’s love or if you’re simply seeking to earn “points” or favor with God or men. Remember that your salvation is not based on these invisible brownie points and that God judges your heart.
If things start to get confusing or complicated, meditate on this verse and remember that God merely wants to have a relationship with you, not to have you behave perfectly. Allow yourself grace and you will find that God will help you grow in the ways he sees will best build his Kingdom.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. – Jeremiah 29:13
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