Christian Living Resources Faith

Why Reading the Old Testament Matters

Many Christians see the Old Testament (OT) as just a lens through which to read the New Testament, but it deserves to stand alone. The OT gives us a deeper understanding of our faith, the church, and the world. It is where faith begins. Reading and studying the OT is important for many reasons as a Christian.

God Ordained the OT
One of the most compelling reasons to peruse the Old Testament is that, as Christians, we believe God organized and ordained it. The OT tells us of narratives about Israel, describing real events and a real God. It is a historical record of what happened – of the Truth that is the basis of Christian faith. It shows us God’s acts in human history, despite being sometimes vague chronologically and theologically. Approach the OT with confidence that what you are reading is true and accurate because this is what God intended.

The OT Defines Christian Concepts
As a Christian, it can be embarrassing to be unable to define basic vocabulary words and theological concepts. Part of the issue often comes from failure to read the OT. The OT serves as a manual for Christian living, listing the Ten Commandments and laying the foundation for Christianity. Studying the OT, or at least gaining a basic understanding of its principles, will strengthen your knowledge and faith.

The OT Comforts and Encourages Christians
Experience the comfort and hope in the OT that Paul promised would accompany reading this Scripture in Romans 15:4. God’s power, love, and relationship with Israel inspire Christians everywhere. Psalms are especially poignant, presenting 150 songs and poems that are sure to resonate with you.