Every family has drama. Anytime you have a group of people who spends a lot of time together...
Author - Charmaine Lee
Staying Connected To God
Being alone can weigh on us. We weren’t meant to live life by ourselves. But it can also give us a...
5 Verses for When You’re Worried
Across all walks of life — young, old, rich, poor — we all experience worry at times. While fear...
What Is Labor Day?
It’s Labor Day weekend, summer’s last celebration before the school rhythm sets in, and autumn...
How to make school mornings less stressful
Are school mornings chorus of where are my shoes, homework, coat, keys? All while the clock ticks...
3 Lessons From the Minor Prophets
Many Christians skip or skim minor prophet books such as Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi, and Zechariah...
Living Well with Sarah Ann – Fourth of July Treats
Need a Fourth of July party treat? How about a fruit-flavored flag? Or some easy fruit kabobs or...
Called to Freedom
It was for freedom that Christ has set us free, Paul states in Galatians. In the United States, we...
Fun Things You Can Do for Free
Sometimes families get stumped on what to do for weekends and holidays because they’re short on...
Memorial Day – Greater love has no one
As we enjoy a long weekend that traditionally begins the Summer, let us pause and remember the...